
Friday, May 19, 2006

sigh! why do i feel so inactive online? everytime i come online is to watch videos. well guess thats all i do now, the internet has become boring.

anyway, over dinner just now, my parents told me that they're going on a week-long holiday to God-knows-where with my sister and them. and i'm not going! wow. :(

and i begged my mum to let me go for church camp, afterall it's just three or four days off my june holidays! and guess what! she said no! wow, so i said that exams won't start until after september, and after much pestering she agreed. =)

and i haven't told her about my results, my dreadful stupid disgusting results. i won't mull over it cause i'm focusing all my attention on my chinese! =) guess what my mum said! she said if i pass with a c6 i can choose to not retake. wow, hahaha so i told her until i get my b3 i will retake but quit my tuition.

so i guess after two lessons for chinese it'll be the last i see of my tutor. now thats good news. sigh but passing itself is a problem. gee. why chinese.

and anyway about my mye results i failed geog, can you believe it? well i wasn't surprised cause i didn't study much and my results was so crap, mrs kauthar gave me a face. sigh you know the make-you-feel-guilty face? and mrs lim said she is very very disappointed in me.

guess you know what i failed now. anyway i'm off to change my template and my tagboard. sigh! why must it be fixed just after i changed it? gah.

where did my social life go?
gah! stupid stupid thoughts.


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